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IMPORTANT — PLEASE READ: This Certificate of Insurance is a valuable source of information and contains provisions that may limit or exclude coverage. Please read this Certificate of Insurance, keep it in a safe place and carry it with you when you travel.
RBC Insurance Company of Canada (the "Insurer") has issued group insurance policy U-1014452-A to Royal Bank of Canada ("RBC Royal Bank"), to cover expenses related to Trip Cancellation and group insurance policy U-1014453-A to RBC Royal Bank, to cover expenses related to Trip Interruption. This Certificate of Insurance summarizes the provisions of these group insurance policies.
All italicized terms have the specific meaning explained in the "Definitions" section of this Certificate of Insurance.
If you require assistance in regards to Trip Cancellation / Trip Interruption Insurance, you can contact Assured Assistance Inc. (Assured Assistance) by calling:
1-800-533-2778 toll-free from the US & Canada, or
905-816-2581 collect from anywhere in the world
Trip Cancellation / Trip Interruption Insurance will reimburse only the cancellation penalties in effect at the time of the cause of cancellation or interruption.
If you are unsure or need clarification of the provisions of the Trip Cancellation / Trip Interruption Insurance, call Assured Assistance.
Throughout this document, all italicized terms have the specific meaning explained below.
Applicant means a person who has signed and submitted an application as the applicant for an RBC Royal Bank Visa Gold Preferred card and in whose name the card account is established.
Agent means a travel agent or other travelling authority licensed by the jurisdiction in which they operate.
Cancellation penalties means the amount paid with your RBC Royal Bank Visa Gold Preferred card or equivalent RBC Rewards® points which would be forfeited under the terms of the agreement made with the agent if the travel arrangements are cancelled, and for which the agent will not provide any other form of compensation.
Cardholder means any person (includes applicants, co-applicants and authorized users) to whom RBC Royal Bank has issued an RBC Royal Bank Visa Gold Preferred card.
Common carrier means airline, bus, taxi, limousine, ship or train.
Covered person means the applicant, the applicant's spouse, or a dependent child who travel with or joins the applicant or the applicant's spouse on the same trip. A co-applicant or an authorized user to whom RBC Royal Bank has issued an RBC Royal Bank Visa Gold Preferred card is a covered person in his/her own right. A covered person may be referred to as "you" or "your" or "yourself". A co-applicant's or authorized user's spouse and/or dependent child are not eligible for this insurance.
Departure date means the date of your departure from your departure point.
Departure point means the province or territory you depart from on the first day of your intended trip.
Dependent child means a dependent unmarried natural, adopted, step or foster child who is
Effective date means the date and time of purchase of prepaid travel, accommodations and recreation arrangements and before any cancellation penalties have been incurred, provided you pay the entire cost with your RBC Royal Bank Visa Gold Preferred card.
Emergency means an unforeseen event that occurs during the period of insurance and makes it necessary to receive immediate treatment from a physician or to be hospitalized.
Family means spouse, parent, step-parent, grandparent, grandchild, in-law, natural or adopted child, step-child, brother, sister, step-brother or step-sister.
Hospital means an institution licensed to treat patients on an in-patient, out-patient and emergency basis, which has an operating room and laboratory, and which is operated under the supervision of a staff of physicians. It does not include any establishment which is licensed or used principally as a clinic, extended or palliative care facility, rehabilitation facility, convalescent, rest or nursing home, home for the aged, health spa or addiction treatment centre.
Hospitalization means a stay of at least 48 hours in a hospital for emergency medical treatment, which cannot be postponed.
Key employee means an employee whose continued presence is critical to the ongoing affairs of the business during your absence.
Medical condition means accidental bodily injury or sickness (or a condition related to that accidental bodily injury or sickness), including disease, acute psychoses and complications of pregnancy occurring within the first 31 weeks of pregnancy.
Mountain climbing means the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of specialized equipment, including crampons, pick-axes, anchors, bolts, carabiners and lead- or top-rope anchoring equipment.
Physician means someone who is not you or a member of your family who is licensed to prescribe drugs and administer medical treatment (within the scope of such license) at the location where the treatment is provided. A physician does not include a naturopath, herbalist or homeopath.
Return date means the date and time on which you are scheduled to return to your departure point.
Spouse means the person who is legally married to you, or has been living in a conjugal relationship with you for a continuous period of at least one year and who resides in the same household as you.
Stable means any medical condition or related condition (including any heart condition or any lung condition) for which there have been:
for that medical condition or related condition (including any heart condition or any lung condition).
Travelling companion means the person who is sharing travel arrangements with you, and whose fare for transportation and/or accommodation was entirely prepaid at the same time as the covered person.
Trip means the period of time from your departure date up to and including your scheduled return date, as shown on your travel documents.
This insurance provides coverage whenever prepaid travel, accommodations and recreation arrangements were arranged by an agent, provided you pay the entire cost of these prepaid travel, accommodations and recreation arrangements with your RBC Royal Bank Visa Gold Preferred card, and before any cancellation penalties have been incurred.
Coverage starts on your effective date.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
Under Trip Cancellation Insurance (when the risk occurs BEFORE your trip), the maximum amount payable per:
If a dependent child is also an authorized user, the maximum sum insured is the amount listed for the authorized user.
Under Trip Interruption Insurance (when the risk occurs DURING your trip), the maximum amount payable for each covered person for any one interrupted trip is $2,500.
What risks are insured? | What are the benefits? | ||
Under Trip Cancellation | Under Trip Interruption | ||
Medical condition or death | |||
1 | Your emergency medical condition or death. | Benefit A | B & C*, or B & D |
2 | The emergency medical condition or death of your travelling companion. | Benefit A | B & C, or B & D |
3 | The emergency medical condition or death of your spouse or your dependent child. | Benefit A | B & C |
4 | Hospitalization or death of a member of your or your travelling companion's family. | Benefit A | B & C |
5 | Hospitalization or the death of your host at destination, your legal business partner or key employee. | Benefit A | B & C |
Other risks | |||
6 | A written formal notice issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Canadian government after the purchase of your trip, advising Canadians not to travel to a country, region or city originally ticketed for a period that includes your trip. | Benefit A | B & C |
7 | A transfer by the employer with whom you or your spouse is employed on your effective date, which requires the relocation of your principal residence within 30 days before your scheduled departure from your departure point. | Benefit A | N/A |
8 | Delay of your common carrier, resulting from the mechanical failure of that carrier, a traffic accident or an emergency police-directed road closure (either must be substantiated by a police report), or weather conditions, causing you to miss a connection or resulting in the interruption of your travel arrangements. The outright cancellation of a flight is not considered as a delay. | Benefit D | Benefit D |
9 | A natural disaster that renders your principal residence uninhabitable. | Benefit A | B & C |
10 | Your quarantine or hijacking. | Benefit A | B & C |
11 | You being called for jury duty, or being subpoenaed as a witness, during your trip (except if you are a law enforcement officer). | Benefit A | N/A |
Prepaid travel arrangements — Reimbursement to you of the expenses you actually incur as a result of one of the insured risks up to the sum insured for:
the non-refundable unused portion of your prepaid travel arrangements, excluding the cost of prepaid unused transportation back to your departure point.
Transportation — Reimbursement to you of the expenses you actually incur as a result of one of the insured risks up to the sum insured for the extra cost of:
* Return of a travelling companion — Should a decision be made, by the Insurer, to transport you to a treatment facility in your province or territory of residence, the Insurer will pay the cost of upgrading to economy-class transportation for one travelling companion to his/her departure point, provided that he/she is unable to make use of the original ticket as a result of the delay caused by your emergency medical condition or death.
This insurance does not pay for any expenses incurred directly or indirectly as a result of:
The Insurer will not pay for any expenses incurred directly or indirectly as a result of:
If you call Assured Assistance at the time of the cancellation or interruption as shown under "How to contact Assistance Services" you will receive the necessary claims assistance.
If you do not call Assured Assistance, you must notify the Claims Centre of your claim within 30 days of the date of the cause of cancellation or interruption.
For your claim to be reviewed, you must submit the following information:
Service | Contact |
Address |
RBC Insurance Company of Canada Claims Centre PO Box 97, Station A Mississauga, ON L5A 2Y9 |
Phone | 1-800-464-3211 |
You must submit the information required for your claim within 90 days of the date of the cause of cancellation or interruption. If it is not reasonably possible to provide such information within 90 days, you must do so within one year or your claim will not be paid.
The Claims Centre will notify you of the decision on your claim within 60 days of receiving all of the required information.
When a cause of cancellation occurs before your departure date, you must:
The Insurer's maximum liability is the amounts or portions indicated in your trip contract that are non-refundable at the time of the cause of cancellation or on the next business day.
If you disagree with the claim decision of the Insurer, the matter will be submitted to arbitration under the arbitration law in the Canadian province or territory in which you permanently reside. You must begin arbitration proceedings to recover a claim within 12 months of the occurrence. If, however, this limitation is invalid according to the laws of the Canadian province or territory where you permanently reside, you must commence your claim within the shortest time limit permitted by that province or territory. All arbitration proceedings must be brought in the Canadian province or territory in which you permanently reside. Where requested by the Insurer, you consent to the transfer of any proceedings to the province or territory where you permanently reside.